Sunday, June 24, 2007


Here is a Solifugid (Camel Spider) we caught under the kitchen table. They are not spiders, not scorpions, and not insects but related to all of them. Even though they look scary they are pretty harmless and eat other bugs. 10 legs is pretty unique!
Arden wants everyone to know that "Mom catched it."
If you want to read more, click here.
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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Trip to Atlanta

I took a class about 40 miles west of Atlanta this week. In a stroke of good luck, I found out the Red Sox were playing a three game Interleague series with the Braves and went to the first game on Monday night. The Sox lost but it was fun to go to the game. I hadn't been to a Red Sox game in more than 10 years! I got out of class at 4:00 on Tuesday, went back to the hotel and took a nap and woke up with nothing to do. I figured I'd drive back into Atlanta and see if I could get tickets. As I was walking up to the stadium I heard a guy say something about getting rid of tickets. It turned out that he had two extra tickets and gave me both of them! The Sox shut out the Braves 4-0 and it was a fun game to watch.
Wednesday I did the same thing as Tuesday and scored another free ticket behind the Red Sox dugout. It was a great game, the Red Sox got a home run on the 3rd pitch of the game and the scoring didn't stop.... 11-0 by the time it was over. The best part was the foul ball I caught in the 8th off Alex Cora. It came down about seven rows ahead of me, passed through all the grasping fans, hit the top of a seat, and bounced right to me. I was thrilled. My total expense for the night was $9.50, five bucks for parking, and $4.50 for a frozen lemonade.... good times!
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Some good lookin' chiluns

I think they get their good looks from me. We need to get dental insurance.....
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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Rafting trip on the San Juan River

Here are a few pictures from Saturday of our Rafting/Kayaking trip on the San Juan River through Mesa Canyon. The rafters included Sara & the kids, Mandy, Ed & Audrey, and Mom & Dad. Craig and I kayaked. Running about 1200cfs when we did it. (Click the picture for more)
Rafting the San Juan

Monday, June 4, 2007

Back to the Swell

Mom and Dad are on another driving vacation with Uncle Ed and Audrey. They were coming down from Wyoming and I drove up to meet them on Friday night in Green River, UT. I've been to Green River three times now in the past 2 months. I think they will have to name a room after me at the Holiday Inn Express. We spent the weekend driving around looking at Indian art (pictographs/petroglyphs) and hiking. Good times. Here's some pictures:
San Rafael Swell