Monday, June 22, 2009

Hummingbird Egg picture

Not sure why this one didn't post with the others. Oh well, here's the eggs.
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Hummingbird Nest

We went to Farmington on Saturday to get new tires. The kids were really hyper so we went to a park to let them burn off some energy.

I noticed a hummingbird buzzing around making a lot of noise and acting angry. After a few minutes I saw it land on a branch and sit there for a while. Eventually it flew right over my head and landed in this nest.

There were 2 eggs that were about double the size of a Tic-Tac and about the same shape. Very cool!
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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Drive up Cumbres Pass

We went for a drive up the pass (get the kids out of the house so mom can organize).
Good time in spite of a passing thunderstorm:

Saturday, June 13, 2009

La Puente yardsale

So we went for a little drive in the country and stopped by a yard sale a friend had told us about. Turns out the lathe that was for sale isn't something I needed but the box of stuff with the BB gun in it was too good to pass up for $5.00..... Mom also hit paydirt and scored a little table with REAL CRACKLE PAINT on it.... (feigned excitement)
After that we hiked to some falls and came home and took a few pictures of poppys.
The BIG adventure is tomorrow.