Sunday, April 29, 2007

A hike in Chavez Canyon

So Eric, Lori, and Max flew out to Denver, picked up Bryant, and drove down to see us on Friday. We hiked into Chavez Canyon on Friday, went to Santa Fe on Saturday, and then drove over Wolf Creek Pass to the Sand Dunes after meeting in Pagosa this morning.
Here's a few pictures from the Chavez Canyon hike, more to follow.
Click the pic:
Chavez Canyon

Sunday, April 22, 2007

A trip to Abiquiu

Sara went over to Durango for a little "alone time" on Saturday and the rest of us decided to go hike a slot canyon near Abiquiu, NM (about an hour south of us). It was snowing in Chama when we left but Abiquiu is about 1500 ft. lower than we are so I thought it might be nicer down there.
We got about 1/4 mile into our little hike when the lightning and thunder started. I decided a slot canyon wasn't the place to be in a thunderstorm and we headed out. Dinner at McDonalds in Espanola by vote instead (3-1 for those of you counting). We saw some nice antelope on the way home. Click picture to start the show......

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Turkey Hunt

Mason REALLY wanted to hunt Turkey with me this year. I hurried home from work tonight and we set out for the east side of the Reservation. We stopped and called a lot but never did hear any gobbles. We saw a lot of elk, a coyote, a fox, and eventually a hen, but no gobblers. Maybe next time...

Just after we stopped for this picture, a hen walked out of the trees and across the field behind my head. At least we got to see a turkey! Mason was using the box call (in his hand) about every 50 ft so she probably thought there was a whole pack of her friends just up the hill.

Using the "binoc-ules" to look for turkeys.
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Monday, April 16, 2007

A trip to Echo Amphitheater

We got out of the house for a little on Saturday. There were 4" of snow on the ground at home so we headed 45 minutes south to Echo Amphitheater and climbed on the rocks. (click the birdy for a slide show)
Echo Ampitheater

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Sand Dunes trip with the nephews

Dunes with the nephews
Sara's sister Heather Wicks and her kids came to visit us for their spring break. They had a lot of adventures (Chaco Canyon Anasazi indian ruins, Echo Ampitheater & Ghost Ranch museums, Pagosa Wildlife park, and of course a trip to the Sand Dunes)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Highly recommended

This is a really cool time-lapse series of the Red Sox home opener. (click the logo)

Friday, April 6, 2007


Arden and her cousin, Elliana in their matching outfits.
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Thursday, April 5, 2007