Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Turkey Hunt

Mason REALLY wanted to hunt Turkey with me this year. I hurried home from work tonight and we set out for the east side of the Reservation. We stopped and called a lot but never did hear any gobbles. We saw a lot of elk, a coyote, a fox, and eventually a hen, but no gobblers. Maybe next time...

Just after we stopped for this picture, a hen walked out of the trees and across the field behind my head. At least we got to see a turkey! Mason was using the box call (in his hand) about every 50 ft so she probably thought there was a whole pack of her friends just up the hill.

Using the "binoc-ules" to look for turkeys.
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1 comment:

Pharmgirl said...

Oh how cute, you have matching outfits. I like your 2-piece coordinates, the camo look thing. :-)
Fun times. Hmm, I wonder if this will make it through the comment moderator :-)