Saturday, September 22, 2007

Plaza Blanca

We finally found this place. I've read some about it and Sara tried to find it when Mom & Dad were out here the last time. It is very hard to find but worth the hunt. We are thrilled it is only about an hour from home, we'll be back! A great Saturday excursion!
Plaza Blanca

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Brad and Olan spent the night with us last night. We went to bed about 11:00 and were sleeping pretty hard when Brad woke us up at midnight with "Mark, come see the bear in your trash"! We went out on the front porch and flipped on the light and saw the back end of a bear sticking out of our trash can. He was finishing up scraps from the big birthday party on Saturday. I yelled at him and he backed out and looked around. It was a BIG bear!
I grabbed a stick of firewood and hit him in the back and he ran across to the neighbor's yard. We picked up all the trash and put our trash can in the back of the utility trailer, thinking that would keep him from tearing it apart again. WRONG.... after we went back to sleep, he came back, climbed into the trailer, and tore into the trash again. This morning Brad and I found this in the mud puddle next door.
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Monday, September 17, 2007

Twins Birthday

We had a birthday party for the twins (4 years) this weekend. Holly took this one of her boys on either side of ours. I'll get some more pictures up soon.
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Friday, September 14, 2007

Broken Wood Grenade

I broke my Wood Grenade yesterday. I am sad because they are hard to find. I guess I should be happy because it lasted for more than 5 years and more than 10 cords of wood.
If you are splitting cord wood by hand, this is the thing to have. There is nothing better.
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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

New pet

I found this guy at work a couple days ago. He is really calm and doesn't really run away when the kids try to hold him. Maybe he'll hang around for a while.....

He looks less than thrilled..
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Sunday, September 9, 2007

New Swingset

New swing-set: $250.00
Rope in a tree: $5.00
which one will they use more?
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Saturday, September 8, 2007

Sawyer mixing

It's late, and I can't seem to figure out how to get this to post to the blog directly.
Click the link, it's funny.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


We got a call Saturday morning from my cousin Eric as he and Lori were landing in Denver. Since we wanted to get out of town anyway, we packed some bags, booked a room on, and drove north for 6 hours. We all met in Boulder where Bryant (their son) lives and spent a few fun packed days hanging out. Here's the evidence: